Hvis der er andre end mig der har anskaffet ORBX Germany North, så er her et link der kan få Vidan Sønderborg til virke
http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/ ... romLogin=1
linket kræver login til FTX forum, så jeg tillader mig at kopiere tricket:
Hi all,
Vidan Design Sonderborg X, product page.
Location in Scenery Library:
Sonderborg X needs to have a higher priority than GEN.
In order to achieve compatibility with GEN, some GEN files need to be deactivated:
DEACTIVATE: (by renaming from .bgl to .off)
>>> in \ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery
Remaining issues:
* Sonderborg X is offset a few meters in relation to GEN and other sceneries
* Due to the offset GEN coastline doesn't match Sonderborg X and will cut into the airport plateau (but not as far as the taxiways and runway)
* Developer has been informed about the offset
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